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Hsinchu City 105 years of water pollution and water pollution inspection fee regulation plan

In order to improve the quality of water quality in the whole river basin of Hsinchu City, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hsinchu City (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Agency) has been actively conducting pollution prevention and control work on water pollution sources, including strictly enforcing license management, Inspection and banning operations, hoping to reduce pollution by the administrative measures to reduce emissions; while taking into account the implementation of limited public servants, and actively promote environmental protection volunteers to join the ranks of the patrol, together with the EPA to form a joint inspection network, timely information on pollution-related Notification and treatment to help to prevent the illegal dumping of waste water or waste into the city's rivers and the purpose of water; and strictly examine the cause of illegal emissions, in order to achieve the goal of improving the water quality of river water. In order to extend the previous achievements in water pollution control, the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") formulated the "105-year Hsinchu City Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Pollution Control Scheme" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") in the coming year (105) The implementation of the implementation of the city to grasp the territory of the water pollution information in order to facilitate follow-up control operations carried out, and in accordance with the characteristics of the river water and pollution sources to actively promote the overall control of water environment planning to extend a comprehensive safety, comfort and A beautiful river recreation space, and continue to promote the river patrol program, the love of rural river protection of the individual, from point to surface, in order to re-accumulate from the river's emotions.
Hsinchu City, pollution, water charges, rivers